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Julboll & trädskötsel

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Cha242ch1391 skräddarsydd 1-bitars trä minnesmärke julgran ornament med strängar och trä pärlor fabrik alltid med dig tryck

Produktskrivning produktionsprocess vår skräddarsydda service ger dig inte bara ett rikt materialval, såsom träpanel, akryl, läder, vit kartong, etc, utan också professionell bearbetningsanordning, såsom UV-tryck, laser cut...
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CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print manufacture
CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print details
CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print supplier


vår anpassade service ger dig inte bara rik materialval, såsom träpanel, akryl, läder, vit kartong, etc, utan också professionell bearbetningsanordning, såsom UV-tryck, laserskärning, lasergravering, värmesublimering, bladskärning, kamerapositioneringstryck, etc. Vi kommer att ge

Förpackning värde
Ursprungsort Kina
- Jag är inte... Zhejiang
Varumärkesnamn Sysibol
Modellnummer Cha242ch1391
storlek 3,5*3,8 in
form Julljus
Material träd
tryckteknik för grafik Ingen

CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print detailsCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print factoryCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print supplierCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print detailsCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print supplier

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