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Cha242ch1391 brugerdefineret 1-stykke træ mindesmærke juletræ pryd med strenge og træ perler fabrik altid med dig tryk

Produktudskrivning produktionsproces vores skræddersyede service giver dig ikke kun et rigt materialevalg, såsom træpaneel, akryl, læder, hvidt pap osv., men også professionelt forarbejdningsudstyr, såsom UV-printing, laser cut...
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CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print manufacture
CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print details
CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print supplier


vores skræddersyede service giver dig ikke kun rigt materialevalg, såsom træpaneel, acryl, læder, hvidt pap osv., men også professionelt bearbejdningsudstyr, såsom UV-print, laserskæring, lasergravering, varme sublimering, bladskæring, kamera positioneringsprint osv. Vi vil give dig de bedste kvalitetsprodukter

Afsnit værdi
oprindelsessted Kina
- Det er okay. Zhejiang
mærke syasibo
Modellnummer cha242ch1391
størrelse 3,5*3,8 in
form julelamper
materiale træ
trykteknikker til grafik ingen

CHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print detailsCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print factoryCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print supplierCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print detailsCHA242CH1391 Custom 1-piece Wooden Memorial Christmas Tree Ornament with Strings and Wooden Beads Factory Always with You Print supplier

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